The tut problem 

Nacin said a thing:!/nacin/status/121265751071010816

And of course he’s absolutely right, but my concern is that the universe — you know, them, the gods of linkbait sites, whatever — is going to read this as a call for more tutorials, not better. Because, seriously, universe, we need way, way less. Just, you know, better.

So I’m proposing that the author and publisher of the next giant awesome roundup of 50 essential shortcodes you can use without a plugin, or awesome admin tweaks without a plugin, or secure your site and guarantee SEO nirvana without a plugin 1 should be sentenced to an hour of actually contributing to the community 2

  1. bonus points if you hide the version number in the header
  2. they can sit right next to the people who don’t capitalize the “P”

Dev environment

Mac, aka where the nice monitors live:

  • late 2009 Mac Mini w/ OS X 10.6
  • MAMP
  • TextWrangler
  • running WordPress trunk 1


  • currently borrowing the spouse’s laptop until I have time to kick the hard drive on mine
  • Ubuntu Lucid (latest LTS)
  • Apache2, PHP5, MySQL5 on localhost
  • Gedit 2
  • RabbitVCS 3
  • running WordPress trunk

Random details:

  • Dropbox for file sharing between machines.
  • Evernote for snippets etc where I want quick access and searchability
  • IRC/twitter/skype/comfy chair/coffee 4


  1. that’s kind of the point of this whole bit of I’ll Show You Mine If, right?
  2. Shut up, vim boys
  3. Anyone know of something similar for the Mac? It’s brilliant.
  4. the real essentials

A good excuse!/sabreuse/status/119094645652324352

This seems like as good an excuse as any to get this site rolling.